Undernutrition is a kind of malnutrition that happens when we take a lesser amount of energy or nutrients to meet our needs to maintain good health and live a healthy life. Basically, malnutrition is the term that contains a definition of both under nutrition and over nutrition.
We can also define under nutrition as ' the lack of proper nutrition in our diet that is caused by lack of nutrients in our food which are necessary for growth and health'
There are 4 forms under nutrition which are
- wasting
- stunting
- underweight
- deficiencies in vitamins and minerals
CAUSES: The lack of the following vitamins and minerals in the diet is the main cause of undernutrition.
- iron
- iodine
- vitamin D
- vitamin B12
- calcium
- vitamin A
- magnesium
- potassium
- zinc
The effect of undernutrition is particularly more important during childhood when energy and all the other nutrients are needed for the normal growth and development of children. children are more sensitive than adults so children are severely undernourished as they do not get a sufficient amount of nutrients. They may become dangerously thin with the loss of muscles as with the loss of fat and this is called wasting. As they lack a sufficient amount of nutrients and minerals which are important for their growth and they will stop growing and they look too short for their age this condition is called stunting.
In this picture, a public health worker is measuring the arm circumference of a young child in order to access the nutritional status of the child.
The severe cases of undernutrition may lead to life-threatening syndromes such as kwashiorkor and marasmus. These syndromes are mostly very common in developing countries where babies and children do not get enough proteins and nutrients. The symptoms of kwashiorkor include too much fluid in the body tissues and which causes swelling under the skin, this condition is known as edema. While marasmus is a type of protein-energy malnutrition that mainly affects children. Mainly its symptoms include chronic diarrhea, respiratory infections, intellectual disability, stunted growth, etc.
For treating undernutrition we should use a diet that is high in calories, proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Using multivitamin supplements and using fortified foods like fortified cereals and milk, having drinks that contain lots of calories, etc.