- Feeling hot in the chest (heartburn), usually after a meal, which can be very bad at night.
- Chest pain
- Difficulty swallowing
- Repetition of food or sour liquid
- Feeling a lump in your throat
- Chronic cough
- Laryngitis
- New or worse asthma
- Sleep disorders
- Causes
- Unhealthy eating habits
- Skipping meals or eating at odd times
- Eating just before bedtime
- Overeating
- Consumption of spicy foods
- Eat too much table salt
- Foods with low fiber intake
- When you swallow, a round muscle band around the bottom of your throat (lower leg throat) loosens so that food and fluid can flow into your stomach. Then the sphincter closes again.
- If the sphincter loosens abruptly or becomes weaker, stomach acid can flow back into your throat. This frequent acid bath irritates the lining of your throat, often causing it to swell.
- Obesity
- Abdominal rupture up to the diaphragm (hiatal hernia)
- Pregnancy
- Degenerative tissue disorders, such as scleroderma
- Delay of abortion
The problem:
- Decreased esophagus (esophagus). Injury to the lower duct from stomach acid causes red tissue to form. Red tissue slows the digestive tract, leading to digestive problems.
- Open wound in the esophagus (esophagus). Stomach acid can age the tissues in the esophagus, creating an open wound. A sore throat can bleed, cause pain and make swallowing difficult.
- A cancerous change in the throat (Barrett's throat). Damage from the acid can cause changes in the muscles in the lower roof. These changes are associated with an increased risk of throat cancer.
Ephezulu Advanced endoscopy
- Assessment of ambulatory acid (pH) probe.
- Esophageal manometry.
- X-ray of your upper digestive system.
- Basil leaves relives in acidity. So in case of gas, eat a few basil leaves or boil 3-4 basil leaves in a cup of water.
- We can use Cinnamon This humble ingredient acts as a natural antacid for stomach acid and can soothe your stomach, by improving digestion and absorption.
- Buttermilk contains lactic acid which makes the stomach acid normal so we can use this as well. Sprinkle dash of black pepper or 1 teaspoon of ground coriander leaves for best results.
- Cloves have a carminative nature, thus preventing the formation of gas in the intestinal tract, it will be effective in stomach problem.
- Cumin Seeds act as a great acid ingredient, help digestion, and relieve stomach pain.
Ginger Under its cracked surface, ginger hides many health benefits. Ginger has excellent digestive and anti-inflammatory properties, said Dr. Ahuja, at Fortis Hospital. To help reduce stomach acid, you can chew a piece of fresh ginger, drink a tablespoon of ginger juice two or three times a day, or ginger ginger in a cup of boiling water and drink.
- Cold Milk For those who cannot tolerate lactose, milk can help stabilize gastric acids in the stomach. It is rich in calcium, which prevents the accumulation of acid in the stomach.
- APPLE Cider vinegar and coconut water.
- Milk, yoghurt, and low-fat cheese.
- vegetable oil and olive oil.
- Other fruits, including apples, melons, and bananas.
- Other vegetables, including green leafy vegetables, carrots, and spinach.
- dill, peas, and soybeans.
- lean meat.
- foods high in fiber, such as grains, fruits, vegetables, and beans
- low-fat foods, such as fish, lean meat and vegetables
- low-fat foods, including vegetables and beans
- Non-carbonated beverages
- Non-caffeinated beverages
- Keeping a regular meal time for dinner that lasts at least two to three hours before bedtime
- Less common foods
- Following a low-carb diet
- Avoid acidic foods such as green onions and orange juice
- Avoid caffeinated and carbonated beverages
- Avoid lying on your right side
- Reduce smoking and alcohol abuse
- Keeping your mind and body functioning
- Initiating stress-relieving activities
- Try to avoid acidic substances